February 25, 2012


Friends, family, professors, and others weigh in.

“Outstanding presentation of Foucault…It seemed a little less frantic but still HIGHLY ENTERTAINING.”
--Professor Mark Given

“You need MORE BEATS in your music.”
--Brother, in conversation

"Though your son has requested to play percussion in the school orchestra, I feel his musical abilities are better suited for the trombone rather than the drums."
--Middle school music teacher

“A guy such as you was going to do outstanding things regardless of whether or not you had spent time with our team. Like Coach Hart said, ‘You can’t win without speed, and you can’t coach speed; you find it.’ I find speed, and YOU WERE ONE OF THE FASTEST.”
--Dr. Dave Ball, former employer

“I will agree to a movie night as long as Harrison doesn’t get to pick the movie.”
--Jay Wiles

“Are you always this quiet?”
--A young woman Harrison once had a crush on

--Professor Marcia Butler, in re: “Precis 5”

“Harrison King will destroy the world.”
--Sarah Bennett

“Well, you are PRETTY MUCH the awesome-est son and person.”
--Harrison's mother, in text message

“9.9/10—[A] very THOUGHTFUL ALTERNATIVE to underdeveloped literature.”
--Professor John Schmalzbauer, in re: “Field Report 5: Dietetics”

--Middle school art teacher

“[Exasperated expression].”
--Several friends, when Harrison began an excruciatingly detailed explanation of the difference between “determinants” and “determinism”

“Fuck yeah Harrison King is the baus.”
--Jenny Dimsho, in text message

“Your essay was REALLY DIFFICULT TO READ. Your thesis sentence (at least I think what I underlined is your thesis sentence) is over 41 words long.”
--Classmate, in a written in-class peer-review

“There’s something about you walking home by yourself in the middle of the night with an umbrella that just seems right.”
--Justin Vann