April 20, 2011

Jesus films

It's almost Easter. It makes sense, then, to watch a Jesus film or two—preferably one that is not Passion of the Christ. Also, I included some films that are vaguely inspired by Jesus but aren't necessarily Jesus films.

Nazarin (dir. Luis Bunuel, 1958)--see my review
The Gospel According to Matthew (dir. Pier Paulo Pasolini, 1964)
Life of Brian (dir. Terry Jones, 1979)
The Last Temptation of Christ (dir. Martin Scorsese, 1988)--the book is better

Jesus of Montreal (dir. Denys Arkand, 1989)
Son of Man (dir. Mark Dornford May, 2005)

One I haven't seen yet but would be greatly interested in seeing is The Messiah (dir. Nader Talibsadeh, 2008), an Iranian film that narrates his life from the Islamic perspective.